Councill Fine Art Studio

Click on each photo below to view the project gallery.

ASU College of Education Building
View from Balcony
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“The Quest for Knowledge“ Mural
"Carol Grotnes Belk Library and Information Commons is a point of great pride on this campus and across Western North Carolina. The series of murals being painted by Brenda Councill will distinguish this facility even more. It is truly special to have an artist who has such deep roots to the region bring her talents to this project. Her work will be enjoyed by those who visit the library for years to come", said Chancellor Kenneth E. Peacock.
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North Carolina Research Campus - Dole Foods Mural - "Superfoods"
Largest contemporary painted dome in the southeast. The fruits and vegetables theme befits Murdock, who owns Dole Food Co. and whose campus is focusing on health and nutrition. Councill's “canvas” stretches 22 feet high, and the total painted surface covers 2,511 feet. She is working with Thibault Tosseram, an Atlanta artist originally from Paris.
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Presbyterian College - " The Spiral of Life " Belk Atrium
"This is a magnificent mural. The faculty and students look up to find the beginning of life, the fusion of a tumultuous primordial sky, sun radiating its life-giving rays evoking the elemental forces of nature and the evolution of the plant and animal kingdom. It more than we could have anticipated! ”
Dr. John Griffith, President,
Presbyterian College, SC
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Hickory Museum - " a Mural in the Making" - Live Exhibition
A “ live” interactive exhibition featuring a mural created on site in the museum for 3 months. The sponsor of the mural, SHURTAPE Technologies, LLC. manufactures a favorite masking tape- FrogTape® that I use extensively. So the abstract mural is designed to focus on the shapes and signature colors of there premium adhesive tapes.
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Shurtape Mural - Global Tape Brands
The site specific commission was originally completed as part of a grant from the United Arts Council within Museum walls. The mural was transported to the corporate offices of Shurtape Technologies and was completed on a single piece of prepared muslin and then
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North Carolina Health and Human Services - Public Health Depts
The entry to the Public Health Facilities include the adjoining offices of WIC. The mission:
-To safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk by providing nutritious foods to supplement diets, information on healthy eating, and referrals to health care.
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Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church
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Ocean Reef Private School- Ocean Reef Club, Key Largo Florida
The mural is in the open atrium of the ocean reef private academy. My design encompasses the k-8 curricula including, language arts, mathematics, history, global diversity, botany, music, performing and visual arts, sailing, chess, and golf. The school mascot, dolphins are prominent in the wall mural. look for the representative icons that combine to create the essence of this very special teaching facility. As the artist-in-residence, I created a separate mural project for the students.
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Ist United Bank of Florida - Penn Florida Building
The bank board members wanted the entrance to appear as a turn of the century facade. I used the illusion of classic bevelled and carved limestone. This is the main entrance and parking area. The illusionary painting includes faux bois, intricately painted acanthus leaf motif, columns, classic style door surrounds, a niche with neoclassic vase. It is a convincing illusion.
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Grandfather Home and School for Children
This project was graciously sponsored by a donor with a heart of gold, a giving and loving spirit to benefit the children who shall enter these doors in great need. The artist looks at her creations as "parables" that tell a story of faith in visual symbols and a few key biblical verses or words of historical value to the Christian faith.
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St. Mary's Healthcare System - Womens Center
This faith based hospital requested that inspirational themes be used for four domes in the public areas. The classic tromp l'oeil style of painting helps to open the dome in the entry atrium of the Hospital. "Jesus Healing" is the feature dome in the main elevator lobby. Womens Radiology and NICU have colorful and uplifting dome paintings.
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Healthy Eating Mural
The Healthy Corner Store Mural was commissioned by the Cabbarus Health Alliance- R.E.A.C.H Dept. and is part of a national initiative targeting communites to improve healthy eating options in corner stores.
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Mural paint-nights
Community helped paint some sections of 2500 square foot mural
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