Councill Fine Art Studio

Roanoke Virginia Mural Dedicated March 31, 2017

The 18 Pier Columns of the Tazewell Ave. Bridge ( Interstate 581) were covered with hand painted Mural Panels

The 18 Pier Columns of the Tazewell Ave. Bridge ( Interstate 581) were covered with hand painted Mural Panels

Roanoke-Mural South-Side-Column
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Roanoke-Mural South-Side-Column
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Rumple Memorial Presbyterian Church
The image: How to manifest an image to communicate the glory of God, to illuminate the ethereal light of Jesus Christ, to make a visual portrait that will live and grow in hearts and minds as time passes? I want the truth of God's word to be seen in human terms. I choose the natural world, sky and heaven beyond, the promise of eternity, the hope of salvation that will be shared to believers and will inspire non-believers through animate, but limited iconography.
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Roanoke North Side Columns (1)
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